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  • Writer's pictureTeams @ Green Home Inspection


House inspection is one of the most important steps you can take before you purchase building in Auckland. During house inspections, a house inspector analyses all the features, structures, and defects of the prospective building- like showing you the skeletal framework of the house.

As someone who wants to buy a home, you most likely have things you’re looking out for, something you’d like the house to have. The inspections phase is when you can ask questions about a lot of things about the house. The best questions you can ask at a house inspection are:

Is The House Worth It?

No house is perfect; there will undoubtedly be something wrong with it. You’ll still have to repair or buy things the house needs. Some homes only require minor repairs that won’t cost you a lot of money and are worth it in the grand scheme of things because of the amenities it offers.

This question comes in helpful when you see a house that has some qualities you love and wouldn’t mind spending money on it. If the house is worth the maintenance, the house inspections officer will give you the go-ahead and tell you to buy it. However, some houses are beyond saving, and you should avoid buying these.

Ensure you listen to your building inspection’s advice; they would never steer you wrong.

How Much Would Repairs Cost?

After inspecting buildings, building inspectors make a report listing the defects and how much it would potentially cost to fix. The report provides an estimate that gives you an idea of how much you’ll spend repairing basic things around the house.

At times, you could end up spending the amount you bought the house on fixing the house. Asking this question makes it easier to move on because you’ll realise just how much of a liability the house is.

Is There Any Hazard I Should Be Aware Of?

Some homes come with different types of hazards. For example, faulty wiring or water leaks are some things that could cause fires or any other kind of flare-up.

There are so many questions that should be asked at house inspections, and they should all be directed to your building inspector – they’re the only ones that can give you honest answers.

Our building inspectors are ready to answer all questions you may have. You get a report within 24 hours of our building inspection, so you’ll be able to make quick decisions.

Message us now, and let’s look at the properties you have your eyes on.

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