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Pre Purchase Property Inspection

Pre Purchase House Inspection

The purpose of a pre-purchase property inspection is to let you know about the condition of a property before you buy it.

Building inspections are normally done before contracts are signed. They are great for letting you know of the hidden costs that may be associated with a property in regards to repairs that need to be carried out and can be a useful bargaining tool when it comes to price negotiations.

The inspection should cover the interior and exterior of the building, the roof space, underfloor space, the exterior of the roof and the site itself. It should also cover the driveways, retaining walls and outbuildings, wiring and plumbing. Building inspections usually do not include an estimate of the cost of repair, minor defects unless requested. 

Our pre-purchase inspection is carried out by an experienced building inspector who has carried out thousands of inspections all over New Zealand.

Our inspectors use their tools and expertise to detect defects and help you avoid nasty surprises.
We check everything inside and outside the building.


Our comprehensive building reports with the pictures of all parts of the building are easy to understand and in accordance with the New Zealand Standard for property inspections NZS4306 2005

Interior Wooden Beams


Over +30 years of building experience shared across our independent inspection team, making them the most knowledgeable of choices.

Comprehensive building reports, including relevant digital images, completed at the inspection location, and often provided to clients on the same day, or certainly by the next morning.

Fully insured work, from a licensed inspection team, always working to the relevant New Zeland Standards.

A superb performance, backed-up by many powerful testimonials. This leads to much of our New Home Handover Inspection work being either from past customers, or those who have been recommended to us by them.

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